soil fertility RSS

agriculture, cover crops, soil fertility, soil health, soil science -

My guest this week is Dr. Abbey Wick. Abbey is a North Dakota State University Extension Soil Health Specialist and Associate Professor, and has experience working with farmers on soil health building practices like incorporating cover crops into rotation and transitioning to no-till systems.    Since 2012, she has had her hands in over 50,000 acres of soil and influenced management on over 200,000 acres of farmland in the northern plains just with the personal relationships she’s developed with farmers.  There are many other farmers she influences through her bi-weekly magazine articles and television segment along with discussion-based Extension programming.  She...

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bill mckibben, logan labs, soil fertility, soil test, soil testing analysis, super soils, Sustainable Cannabis -

This week’s podcast relates to soil testing. A lot of growers and cannabis consultants use soil tests to make fertility decisions for this crop. What I learned in the last two weeks really changed the way I view these tests and my conversation with our next guest will hopefully explain in better detail how these tests work, what information on them is most useful, and what we should be basing our production decisions on. This week’s guest is Bill McKibben. Bill is an accomplished agronomist and author of 2 books relating to soils. The art of balancing soil nutrients and...

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