New IPM Products


If you are interested in any of these products - please email us directly at, and we will put together a custom quote for you.

  • Actinovate AG/18 oz - OMRI listed Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108 strain for a very wide range of soil borne and foliar plant diseases. Can be used preventatively and as a curative.
  • Azaguard/1 qt & 1 gallonAzadirachtin from neem. A molting disruptor and suffocant, antifeedant for a very wide range of pests. This is a long time traditional pest control solution. 
  • Bioceres WP/1 lb - Beauveria bassiana - for all soft bodied insects, a cornerstone of a prophylactic approach to insect management - can be rotated with PFR97 and Grandevo. Rotating MOAs is a best practice. WP stands for wettable powder and can be used regularly to provide insect control. 
  • Botanigard WP/1 lb - Beauveria bassiana - for all soft bodied insects, a cornerstone of my prophylactic approach to insect management - can be rotated with PFR97 and Grandevo. Rotating MOAs is a best practice. WP stands for wettable powder and can be used regularly to provide insect control. 
  • Botanigard Maxx/1 qtBeauveria bassiana - for all soft bodied insects, a cornerstone of a prophylactic approach to insect management - can be rotated with PFR97 and Grandevo. Rotating MOAs is a best practice. Maxx contains pyrethrins and should only be used as a one time knockdown application. Regular use can breed resistant populations.
  • Botrystop/12 lb & 30 lb Ulocladium oudemansii (U3 strain) to outcompete Botrytis and other fungal pathogens. Great product to rotate with Cease for prevention of fungal pathogens in mother stock as well as vegetative and generative plants. 
  • Cease/1 gal & 2.5 gal - Bacillus subtilis for Botrytis, Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose, Didymella bryoniae (Gummy Stem Blight) and several leaf spot diseases such as Alternaria and Entomosporium. CEASE also controls bacterial diseases such as  Pseudomonas, Erwinia, and Xanthomonas spp., as well as the soil diseases Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium and Phytophthora. A favorite fungal pathogen preventative product. Using Cease in conjunction with Agsil16 is the cornerstone of my approach to pathogen prevention. 
  • Dipel Pro DF/1 lb & 5 lbCaterpillar destroyer! Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) is a gram-positive bacterium commonly found in a wide variety of soils across the globe. A subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis, Btk controls Lepidoptera, think moths! 
  • Epishield/36 oza new and great substitute for horticultural oils. Uses essential oils instead of petroleum products at much lower application rates to control a wide variety of insects. Can be tank mixed with biology for a one two punch. Epishield makes workflows easy for growers with a 0 hr REI! 
  • GrandevoCG/1 lb & 4 lb - OMRI - Chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-1T to provide long-lasting, broad spectrum control of sucking and chewing insects. Grandevo WDG's mode of action is multifaceted; it is toxic when ingested, it repels and it reduces insect reproduction. Can be rotated with Botanigard and PFR97. Rotating MOAs is a best practice.
  • GrandevoCG/10 lb - OMRI - Chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-1T to provide long-lasting, broad spectrum control of sucking and chewing insects. Grandevo WDG's mode of action is multifaceted; it is toxic when ingested, it repels and it reduces insect reproduction. Can be rotated with Botanigard and PFR97. Rotating MOAs is a best practice.
  • JavelineWG/5 lb - BTK for lepidoptera larvae (caterpillars) 
  • JMS Stylet Oil/2.5 galJMS Stylet Oil acts as a suffocant and prevents insect respiration and spore germination. Use JMS Stylet Oil to kill mites, scale, whiteflies, psyllids and leafhoppers.
  • PFR 97/5 lb - can be rotated with Botanigard and Grandevo for MOA change.  Isaria fumosorosea Apopka Strain 97 to infect and kill target pest insects and mites including aphids, whiteflies, thrips and various mite species.
  • Pyganic 5.0/1 qt  & 1 gal - OMRI listed pyrethrins for a great knockdown for active infestations.
  • RegaliaCG/1 qt & 1 gal - OMRI Listed. Prevents Plant Diseases Like Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Powdery Mildew. The active ingredient, Giant Knotweed (Reynoutria sachalinensis), boosts plant health and growth while stimulating the plant's immune system (induced resistance). This induced resistance improves plant health as opposed to attacking the disease directly.
  • RegaliaCG/2.5 gal - OMRI Listed. Prevents Plant Diseases Like Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Powdery Mildew. The active ingredient, Giant Knotweed (Reynoutria sachalinensis), boosts plant health and growth while stimulating the plant's immune system (induced resistance). This induced resistance improves plant health as opposed to attacking the disease directly.
  • RootshieldWP/1 lb & 3 lb - Trichoderma harzianum, Rifai, strain KRL-AG2,  RootShield WP is a certified organic soil inoculant that uses a highly-effective  fungus to kill Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Thielaviopsis and Cylindrocladium species. Apply this once every round to keep soil borne pathogens at bay.  It should be in every garden.
  • Sanidate 5.0/2.5 gal & 5 gal - OMRI listed product used as a commercial sanitizer and disinfectant for use against human and plant pathogens. Its combination of hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid offers broad spectrum control and kills instantly. No rinsing necessary after applying. There are no effluence restrictions.
  • SuffoilX/2.5 gal - Tried and true desert island pick for a horticultural oil, can tank mix with biology  (Botanigard, PFR97, Grandevo etc) for a great knockdown spray with longer lasting control, I use it on clones, mother stock, vegetative plants all the way up to 1st week of flower.
  • VenerateCG/1 qt - Dead cells of the Burkholderia spp. strain A396 and spent fermentation media to control insects in large spaces (great fro outdoor and greenhouse). It has several modes of action. It's toxic when ingested, breaks down insect exoskeletons and acts as a molting disruptor.  Venerate combines these MOAs for maximum control. 
  • VenerateCG/1 gal & 2.5 gal - Dead cells of the Burkholderia spp. strain A396 and spent fermentation media to control insects in large spaces (great fro outdoor and greenhouse). It has several modes of action. It's toxic when ingested, breaks down insect exoskeletons and acts as a molting disruptor.  Venerate combines these MOAs for maximum control. 
  • Zerotol2.0/2.5 gal & 30 gal - 3-in-1 Peroxide algaecide, bactericide and fungicide for reduction of Botrytis and other plant pathogens. ZeroTol 2.0 uses a combination of Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid to prevent, suppress and control a wide range of pathogens on plants and in the soil. It works equally well to treat and control bacteria, fungi and algae on hard surfaces and equipment. This is especially useful to contain the spread of disease in your growing area
  • LALGUARD M52 OD/22 lb - Uses spores of Metarhizium brunneum strain F52 to treat and control a wide variety of soil and foliar pests. The spores attach to insects and then penetrate the insects body and sporulate in the insect, colonizing the targeted pest and killing it.