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colin bell, growentia, increase plant yield, Mammoth P, microbes plant growth, microbial biostimulants, microbial mediation, mircobes in soil, natural biocontrol -

Colin Bell is the Co-founder, co-inventor, and Chief Growth Officer at Growcentia, the parent company of Mammoth. Colin completed his Ph.D. in Soil Microbial Ecology in 2009. As a Research Scientist at Colorado State University, Colin published dozens of peer-reviewed publications that were focused on elucidating microbial mediated processes that enhance plant growth. Colin left his academic position at Colorado State University in March 2015 to launch Mammoth, a young company in the Ag-Tech sector that develops microbial biostimulants to sustainably increase plant yield, and all-natural biocontrol products to prevent pests. Their first product, MAMMOTH P® is a beneficial bacterial...

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