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Cannabis Cultivation, IPM, isopods, pesticides -

My guest this week is my good friend, Suzanne Wainwright-Evans also known by many as The Bug Lady. She is an Ornamental Entomologist specializing in integrated pest management.  Suzanne has been involved in the Green Industry for more than 25 years with a primary focus on biological control and using pesticides properly.  She is a graduate of the University of Florida with degrees in both Entomology and Environmental Horticulture. Suzanne has been on the podcast multiple times and I highly suggest folks go back and listen to some of her other podcasts if you haven’t already. Her website is bugladyconsulting.com where...

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bios, bug lady, buglady, cannabis pest control, cannabis pest management, cannabis pests, greenhouse pest control, IPM, ipm strategies -

Our guest this week is my good friend, Suzanne Wainwright-Evans also known by many as The Bug Lady. She is an Ornamental Entomologist specializing in integrated pest management.  Suzanne has been involved in the Green Industry for more than 25 years with a primary focus on biological control and using pesticides properly.  She is a graduate of the University of Florida with degrees in both Entomology and Environmental Horticulture.  She has worked throughout the United States and internationally consulting to greenhouses, nurseries, landscapers and interiorscape companies.  She is the owner of Buglady Consulting, now in business for over 21 years.  ...

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beneficial insect, beneficial insectary, biological control, greenhouse pest control, ipm, ipm strategies, kelly vance, pest management -

Kelly Vance came to Beneficial Insectary in 2016 after a 17-year career in greenhouse ornamental and landscape pest management with a strong focus on biological controls and soft chemistry. Since joining the team in Redding, he’s worked in a wide variety of ornamental, food and hemp/cannabis crops developing bio control programs for a myriad of crop pests. He has written company literature and is developing a series of release videos for the Beneficial website as well. Kelly moved to Redding from Salem, OR in November 2018 and covered the western United States for Beneficial Insectary before moving into the IPM Technical Lead...

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beneficial insectary, biological controls, crop pests, greenhouse cannabis, hemp, ipm, kelly vance -

Kelly Vance came to Beneficial Insectary in 2016 after a 17-year career in greenhouse ornamental and landscape pest management with a strong focus on biological controls and soft chemistry. Since joining the team in Redding, he’s worked in a wide variety of ornamental, food and hemp/cannabis crops developing bio control programs for a myriad of crop pests. He has written company literature and is developing a series of release videos for the Beneficial website as well. Kelly moved to Redding from Salem, OR in November 2018 and covered the western United States for Beneficial Insectary before moving into the IPM Technical Lead...

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cannabis pest management, cannabis pests, container cannabis, ipm, justin magill, legit cannabis north, living soil, reamendment -

In this podcast, I interview my good friend Justin Magill. Justin is the head grower for Legit Cannabis North, a legal indoor cannabis facility here in Washington State. Justin has been growing using living soils in beds longer than anyone else I know and he has been instrumental in developing the KIS Soil and working out methodology around re-amendment.  This podcast was an opportunity to share some of what he's learned over the past decade through experience, and Justin shares both his successes and failures, which I think is really helpful to growers. My hope is that some of what...

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botrytis, Fluence, fluence lighting, ipm, LED lighting cannabis, powdery mildew, travis higginbotham, VPD -

Travis Higginbotham is the new Director of Cultivation Support for Fluence. Prior to working at Fluence, he worked at a state of the art environmentally controlled greenhouse covering 50 acres where he was the head of research and development. They grew annual and perennial crops for big-box retailers supplying the NE united states. His focus was on rearing beneficial insects, IPM protocols, disease testing, and trialing new genetics from around the world. He recently received his Master's in Horticulture from Virginia Tech. This resulted in equipping irrigation booms with lights for photoperiodic flowering applications to a controlled environment which propagated...

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biocontrols, bug lady, consulting, dripping rates, ipm, sprayer, suzanne wainwright evans -

Entomologist Suzanne Wainwright Evans is back to discuss dipping rates, sprayer recommendations, consulting advice, and much more in this week's podcast.      Dramm Aeration/Agitation Bucket for applying nematodes

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agroecology, agronomy, applied ecology, bio based fertilizer, bioag, biopesticide, biotechnology, Dr. Faust, Dr. Robert Faust, entomology, foliar fertilizers, fulvic acid, humates, humic acid, ipm, large scale production, Organic Soil, pest management, sustainable -

In this episode, we interview Dr. Robert Faust, President of Bioag.  Robert Faust attended the University of Delaware College of agriculture. His major was entomology and applied ecology.  Later he received a B.S degree from the University of the State of N.Y, an accredited university in Albany, N.Y. His Masters of Science is in Agronomy where his thesis was field research on the use of ecological and organic methods for crop production and the use of humates and bio-based fertilizers in large-scale production in Idaho. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia Pacific University. Dr. Faust lived in California for many years...

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