Episode 12: Biological Horticulture Consultant Jaya Palmer

beneficial insects, biological horticulture, cannabis lighting, compost tea, field research, jaya palmer, KIS, Organic Soil, product testing cannabis, regnerative methods, soil biology, Sustainable Cannabis -

Episode 12: Biological Horticulture Consultant Jaya Palmer

Our guest this week is not only an awesome grower and passionate gardener, but also a good friend. Jaya Palmer is a biological horticulture consultant with a passion for sustainable human settlement and cognitive liberty. His mission is to excite and inspire people to utilize cannabis as a fulcrum to raise consciousness. Jaya believes we can realize the genetic potential of plants with organic, regenerative methods that focus on feeding and diversifying biology in soil.

I met Jaya back in 2011 literally on the day I was mixing one of my first batches of our KIS Soil. At the time I was running our family business manufacturing compost tea brewing machines. We hit it off pretty quickly, talking about different aspects of growing and since that time, Jaya has been the one coordinating much of our field research and testing and one of my “go to” guys regarding beneficial insects, lighting, product testing, and much more.


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More information on Fungus Gnats

Sun System PAR Meter with Remote Sensor

Ahimsa Neem Oil 

Blumat Moisture Meters

Want help setting up your Blumat Garden? Send an email to tad@kisorganics.com

Root Knot Nematode

Root Knot Nematode Damage Root Knot Nematode


Economic Analysis of Greenhouse Lighting: Light Emitting Diodes vs. High Intensity Discharge Fixtures

Photon efficiency and cost per mole of photons, assuming all photons (180°) are captured by plants.
