Episode 107: The Impacts of Magnesium on Cannabis Cultivation with Paul Cockson & Patrick Veazie
NOTE: There were some corrections to the podcast that were discovered after recording. Around the 20 minute mark, the nitrogen rate should be 200 ppm and when Patrick references 50 ppm of phosphorus, he meant to say 50 ppm of magnesium. You can refer to the actual paper in the links below to verify the rates and information.
My guests this week are 2 awesome cannabis researchers, Paul Cockson and Patrick Veazie. Paul has been on the podcast before on episode 59 talking about his paper on cannabis deficiencies. Be sure to check out that episode if you haven’t already and also this is a good one to go to the podcast page at kisorganics.com, just click on the learn tab then podcast. I will have links to all the papers so you can follow along as well as a link to their new website that shares all their research in one central location, it’s a great resource.
Paul has been working in the hemp world as a researcher since 2018, and in plant science research since 2016. He has a background in horticulture, agroecology, and floriculture from his time at NC State. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD at the University of Kentucky working with industrial hemp. Paul's primary research focuses on rhizosphere management and brings strengths in plant mineral fertility, plant hormones and growth regulators, substrate research, general diagnostics, and greenhouse and growth chamber expertise. In addition to a strong greenhouse background, Paul is also literate in field level agronomic processes. Paul's passion is for mentorship and sharing the research process with undergraduate students. When not doing research, Paul and his dog (Groot) can be found hiking in local, state, and national parks.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-cockson-10575647/
Email: paul.cockson@uky.edu
Patrick Veazie has been working in the hemp world as a researcher since 2019, and as a plant science researcher since 2018. He has a background in horticulture and floriculture from his time as an undergraduate researcher at NC State. Currently, he is pursuing his M.S. at North Carolina State and is focusing on greenhouse substrates for Cannabis and other floriculture crops. Patrick's primary research focuses on plant mineral fertility, substrate research, and general diagnostics.
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/patrick-veazie-a80360211
Email: phveazie@ncsu.edu
Research website mentioned on the podcast: https://sites.google.com/ncsu.edu/e-gro-cannabis
UKY Hemp Resources:
KYDA Hemp Resources:
Was super excited to talk to them about some of their latest published research on cannabis and hemp. Now on to the show!