Episode 27: The Role of Lighting in Plant Growth with Fluence Bioengineering with Travis Williams & Travis Higginbotham
Our guests this week are Travis Williams and Travis Higginbotham.
Travis Williams has spent the last decade in the high-tech industry focusing on better forms of efficiency, sustainability, and productivity via clean-energy, embedded technology, and most recently, controlled environment agriculture. He joined Fluence (then BML Horticulture) in 2015 and has helped shape the company’s product lineup, research, customer service, and overall brand to help growers navigate the challenging and complex world of horticulture lighting to realize improvements in crop production, sustainability, and profits through LED technology.
Travis Higginbotham is the new director of Cultivation Support for Fluence. Prior to working at Fluence, he worked at a state of the art environmentally controlled greenhouse covering 50 acres where he was the head of research and development. They grew annual and perennial crops for big-box retailers supplying the NE united states. His focus was on rearing beneficial insects, IPM protocols, disease testing, and trialing new genetics from around the world. He recently received his Master's degree in Horticulture from Virginia Tech where he did some work around LED research in regard to sole source, supplemental and photoperiodic lighting. This resulted in equipping irrigation booms with lights for photoperiodic flowering applications to a controlled environment which propagated over 1.2 million perennials from stage 3 tissue culture per year. He also has a Bachelor of Science from Clemson University.