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Plant growth comparison of Cannabis sativa when grown in isolated containers vs communal bed systems
To download the .pdf click here Plant growth comparison of Cannabis sativa when grown in isolated containers versus communal bed systems. Dr. Ben Higgins and Tad Hussey 16 June, 2019 Introduction The decision that all farms are faced with in choosing which containers (if any) to use for their crop(s) has both biological and financial implications. Not surprisingly, these implications are not mutually exclusive, as the type of containers used (e.g., hydroponics, potted soil, raised beds, ground-planted, etc.) inherently will express differences in ecosystem biodiversity. Furthermore, this decision as to which type of growing method used (e.g.,...
What I wish I'd known when I first started gardening...
I remember when I first decided I wanted to plant a garden and grow my own food. It seemed like a daunting task and I was unsure where to start and was worried I was going to kill everything. Here's the top 10 pointers that I wish I had known when I first got started. 1. Start small. I decided I wanted to try making my front yard into an edible landscape one year. This because a massive project of sheet mulching my front lawn, bringing in compost and soil, planting a variety of fruit trees, berries, herbs, and vegetables. That...
Understanding Mycorrhizal Fungi: What you need to know.
I hear a lot of claims out there regarding mycorrhizal fungi. This article is an attempt to help growers weed through the misinformation and marketing hype to decide what product is best for their garden. It is based on the research I've done over on the subject over the past 8 years, but I am always learning new things and will update the article accordingly. So what is mycorrhizal fungi? It's a fungi that forms a symbiotic relationship with the roots of most plants. In a natural system, it is one of the primary ways the plant receives phosphorus, but it has...
Our Philosophy on Growing Plants
In 2002, we started an online gardening business with our main product being compost tea brewers. Since that time we’ve expanded our product lines and also our knowledge regarding organic gardening through both research and experience.
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- aerated compost tea
- blumat
- blumats
- building soil
- cannabis irrigation
- clackamas coot
- clover
- companion planting
- Compost Tea
- Container gardening
- cover crops
- Fabric Pots
- Gardening
- Grow Your own
- How to use myco
- irrigation
- KIS Nutrient Pack
- kisorganics
- living soil
- Mammoth P
- microbe
- microbes
- microscope
- Mixing your soil
- Myco
- mycorrhiza
- mycorrhizae
- mycorrhizal fungi
- Mykos
- Organic Soil
- Philosophy
- Plants
- Pumpkin Pro
- Ron Wallace Myco
- soil
- soil recipe
- Super soil
- supersoil
- Urban Farming
- Urban Gardening
- Water Only Soil
- WOW Pumpkin Pro