KIS Organics


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Cascade Minerals Basalt stimulates soil micro-organism activity and contributes to the building of humus complexes. It will neutralize pH and support your soils fertility and increase phosphorus uptake.  Benefits can include more nutritious fruits and vegetables and more vigorous plants.

Derived from basalt. Contains no fillers or additives, 100% Natural.

Basalt is a good source of iron and a natural source of calcium, magnesium, and manganese. It is an excellent trace mineral source.

Research has also indicated benefits as a human and animal dietary supplement. It can also act as odor control when sprinkled on animal bedding.

SUGGESTED APPLICATIONS (more information available HERE)

Compost: Mix 2 Cups per Cubic Foot.

Trees & Shrubs: Use 1 cup per 1 inch of trunk diameter.

Spread evenly across rooting area. Rake or lightly till minerals into soil if possible, and water in thoroughly.

Vegetable Gardens & Flowers: Use 10lbs per 100 square feet and till in at the time of planting.Use 5lbs per 100 square feet as a top dress during the growing season. Lightly rake in and water thoroughly.

Container Plants: Use 1 cup per cubic foot of potting soil.
For best results mix with potting soil blends prior to planting.
For surface application use 1 tsp per every inch of pot diameter.
Lightly stir into the top of the soil and water thoroughly.

Guaranteed Analysis

Calcium (Ca): 1%
Magnesium (Mg): 0.5%
0.01% Water Soluble Mg
Iron (Fe): 4%
Manganese (Mn): 0.05%
0.001% Water Soluble Mn


Mineral comparisons of basalt with other amendments can be downloaded HERE

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Tim Long
It showed up

USPS tried to make life a little more interesting

KiS organics lives up to its name

It makes the my soil a rockstar. This magic dust really rocks my plants world.

Steven V.
Not bad at all!

Came busted in bag, lost quite a bit. Salvaged what I could.

Basalt rock dust

Excellent source of phosphorus and minerals for growing my asparagus and garlic and even tomatoes and other fruits. It makes everything bloom or bulb more.

Excellent service

It arrived quickly and on time.