Cannabis Cultivation and Science Podcast Episode 42


Oregon Department of Agriculture

As you know, rules and regulations are an important aspect of cannabis cultivation. In addition, it’s important to know that the products we purchase to use in our garden are safe and providing the nutrients or microbes that are listed on the labels. My interview this week is with Sunny Summers and Matt Haynes with the Oregon Dept of Agriculture. The Oregon Department of Agriculture have been leaders at the State level in regards to product testing and information sharing for consumers. I was very excited that they accepted my request to come on the podcast to talk about some of their findings and to help growers better understand pesticide and fertilizer product labels and some of the challenges around policy enforcement.

Sunny Summers is the Cannabis Policy Coordinator for the Department of Agriculture. Sunny has a degree from Oregon State University in Bioresource Research.  She worked in pesticide regulation and enforcement for 12 years before making the leap to cannabis. When not scratching her head over cannabis regulations, she can be found napping in the woods, kayaking on the Willamette, or chasing one of the Bruiser Bros. around the Sassy Sunflower Haus

Matt Haynes is a graduate of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with a BS in agronomy. He has been with the Oregon Department of Agriculture for 20 years and the Department’s Fertilizer Program for 18 years. Matt reviews product labels for registration, conducts marketplace inspections, collects and compiles tonnage data, and reviews laboratory sample data. Prior to joining the Department, Matt was with the J. M. Smucker Company and Mission Resource Conservation District.
Cannabis Cultivation and Science PodcastCannabis Cultivation and Science PodcastCannabis Cultivation and Science PodcastCannabis Cultivation and Science Podcast 