KIS Organics

Glacial Rock Dust

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  • Regular price $ 26.00
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Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust

Remineralize the soil! Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust contains a broad range of trace minerals... minerals which have been slowly lost through the ages, by erosion, leaching and farming. Improves soil vitality and plant health. Both plants and animals, including humans, benefit from a regular supply of trace minerals, which are best transferred to the human body through vegetables grown in soil rich in trace minerals. Glacial Rock Dust is a natural mineral product which is produced over many thousands of years by glacial action. A wide variety of rocks which contain a broad spectrum of trace minerals are collected and pulverized by the expansion/contraction action of the glacier. As the glacier recedes, it leaves behind deposits of "glacial moraine". These deposits are mined, dried, and screened for agricultural and horticultural re-mineralization. Today nearly all agricultural land is depleted of trace minerals, due in part to the exclusive use of chemical fertilizers and ground water pollution. For trace minerals to be quickly absorbed by plants , they must first be finely ground into rock dust. In technical terms - 74 microns. Because these trace minerals are so finely ground, they react like clay, clumping together when any amount of moisture is added. It is not necessary to add or replace trace minerals, for they are slowly released in the soil over many years.

Guaranteed Analysis

  • Iron (Fe) 3.28%
  • Magnesium (Mg) 0.846%
  • Manganese (Mn) 0.0536%
  • Cobalt (Co) 0.0012%


Glacial Rock Heavy Metal Test

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Glacial Rock Dust

I like the dust/fine! Excellent!

Brydon H.
Coots Build a Soil

It's turning out to be great so far. The order came in the mail quickly and they must have changed their packaging because some people were complaining of the bag ripping during shipping but my product came intact. Would definitely order from them again.

arlin t.
New at this

To early to know. But the ordering and delivery are great!

broken packaging

I appreciated the prompt processing of my order. However, KIS might want to improve packaging to keep the bag containing the product from being destroyed by the postal service(perhaps a double box). My order was reboxed as the original was severely damaged. About half the product was lost in shipping.
I have sent an email and photos to KIS.

Rosanne M.
Second time buying from KIS

I ordered products last year as well in an effort to improve my soil. Just an FYI for you..the bags the products were packaged in this year split at the seam. The post office contained them in bags, so I got all I paid for.