KIS Organics

Beneficial Bug/Pollinator Cover Crop Mix

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  • Regular price $ 16.00
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Quantities over 1 lb may require extra processing time.

We've grown this mix in our greenhouse for a few years now and it's our favorite low growing, easy maintenance mix.

Contains baby blue eyes, bergamot, bishop's flower, black-eyed susan, california poppy, candytuft, cilantro, dill, dwarf cosmos, fennel gayfeather, globe gilia, indian blanket, lance-leaved coreopsis, purple prairie clover, rockcress, shasta daisy, siberian wallflower, and sweet alyssum.


Plant 9-18 lbs/acre or in rows between crops; space 4-8 seeds per inch between 5 ft. row, 1 oz for 100ft row.


Cannabis Cultivation & Science Podcast: Episode 72: Heavy Metals, Cover Crops, and Water pH with The Soil Doctor, Bryant Mason

Cannabis Cultivation & Science Podcast: Episode 83: Cover Crops and Soil Fertility with Dr. Abbey Wick

Some photos of our greenhouse in 2015 running a beneficial bug/pollinator mix next to our tomatoes and cucumbers.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Ron G.
Beautiful flowers

This is my third bag it sprouts Nice and fills in year after year with BEAUTIFUL flowers I'd recommend This for bare areas boarding yards.
I let it grow in early spring then put a thin layer of all natural chips on there for boarding the house and yard,it's a GOOD buy and QUICK shipping with a reliable and knowledgeable co, a BUNCH of GREAT folks over at KIS!

Suzanne W.
Rain forest approved

Easy application and manageable quantity. It seemed like Spring 2022 was never going to arrive. Snow into April, and cool and freezing temps through early May. Sowed the Beneficial Bug Pollinator cover crop mix on both sides of the driveway down to the house, areas that receive minimal sunlight and there are already signs of sprouting. The forecast is for low 60s and sunshine so expect there may be more growth. The late Spring has left bees and other pollinators searching for food sources. Thanks for this option.

Purchased again

I forgot to mention in the last review that we had all kinds of beneficial bugs ,Butterflies and bees this last year that we've never had here before it was COOL we ordered more for the front border it was BEAUTIFUL last year! Ron from Michigan

Ron Gray
Its GREAT for our bees

The honey bees, butterfly's and beneficial insects love this mix we planted it as a border in our yard and between spraying compost teas and this mix the the neighbors have powdery mildew 10 ft away all over their hydrangeas and we dont have any in our yard or on our plants its WORTH the effort to plant this mix!